Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Seminar Series

by Foundations of Artificial Intelligence @ Georgia Institute of Technology

Welcome to the AI Seminar Series @ Georgia Tech, a seminar showcasing the latest research and developments in Artificial Intelligence. Our goal is to bring together students, postdocs, professors, and industry researchers to discuss a wide range of AI topics, including Machine Learning, Efficient AI, Symbolic AI, AI Theory, AI Systems, and the intersection of AI and Programming Languages and Software Engineering (PLSE).

Speaker Schedule and Abstracts

  • 🎤Pavlo Molchanov 🏛️NVIDIA Research 📅Thursday, October 10th, 2024 | 12 PM - 1 PM (EDT) 📍B5 Classroom in Boggs | 💻Zoom 📚Talk Title: Efficiency in Large Language Models with Post-Training Compression
    📝Abstract Training large language models (LLMs) for various deployment scales and sizes traditionally involves training each variant from scratch, a process that is highly compute-intensive. In this talk, we explore three key techniques to significantly enhance LLM efficiency: (1) pruning and distillation, (2) Flexible LLM architecture with the Many-In-One concept, and (3) an advanced Parameter Efficient Finetuning Technique. Pruning and distillation can reduce pretraining costs by up to 40x, delivering models that are up to 16% more accurate than those trained from scratch. The Flexible LLM architecture allows the transformation of a single LLM into an infinite number of smaller sub-models, streamlining deployment across various applications. Lastly, we will discuss DoRa, a state-of-the-art parameter-efficient fine-tuning method based on weight decomposition, enabling efficient model fine-tuning with limited data.
    👤Bio Pavlo Molchanov is a Distinguished Research Scientist and Team Manager at NVIDIA Research. Since 2023, he has been leading the Deep Learning Efficiency Team. He obtained a PhD from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, in 2014. During his studies, he received the Nokia Foundation Scholarship, GETA Graduate School grant, Best Paper Award, and Young Researcher Award at EuRAD. Recently, he has focused on efficiency in LLMs and multi-modal models: compression, NAS-like acceleration, novel architectures, and adaptive/conditional inference. His past research has led to several NVIDIA product integrations: hand, body, and facial keypoint estimation and recognition in DriveIX, Broadcast, Omniverse, Maxine; efficient vision backbones in TAO, developed compression techniques in TAO, NVIDIA AV, TRT Model Optimization; and small in-game LLMs.
  • 🎓Jifan Zhang 🏛️University of Wisconsin-Madison 📅Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT) 📍C341 Classroom in Van Leer 📚Talk Title: Learning from Black-Box General Intelligences
    📝Abstract General intelligences, both human and artificial (e.g. LLMs), offer remarkable flexibility in handling diverse tasks. However, directly leveraging these general intelligences at scale is prohibitively expensive. This raises the key question of how we can efficiently train lightweight, specialized models for specific applications by learning from and distilling the knowledge of black-box general intelligences. In this talk, I will discuss the label-efficient learning paradigms that have been developed over the past two decades, covering techniques in active learning, semi-supervised learning, and transfer learning. I will highlight scenarios and approaches that have proven empirically effective for label-efficient learning, including fine-tuning large pretrained models, uncertainty sampling and handling class imbalance. I will conclude by discussing the challenges and growing importance of label-efficient learning in an open-world scenario. This talk will provide an overview of the key ideas, results, and open problems in learning efficiently from black-box general intelligences.
    👤Bio Jifan Zhang is a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at the University of Wisconsin, working with Robert Nowak. He obtained his M.S. and B.S. degrees in computer science from the University of Washington. During that time, he was advised by Kevin Jamieson, Lalit Jain, Tanner Schmidt, Dieter Fox, and Zachary Tatlock. His research focuses on both applied and theoretical perspectives of Machine Learning, primarily on alignment of LLMs, humor generation with LLMs, and efficient distillation of black box intelligence.

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Yingyan (Celine) Lin

Associate Professor

Research Areas: Efficient machine learning through cross-layer innovations

Vijay Ganesh


Research Areas: SAT/SMT solvers, combinations of machine learning and automated reasoning, AI, software engineering, security, combinatorial mathematics, automated scientific discovery